ArtScience Exhibition

Get ready to see an exhibition created by people and for people with the theme of “Imagine ArtScience – Solving Global Challenges”.

The exhibition is experimental, participatory, and full of surprises to tease your senses and stimulate reflection on bold questions that we are faced in our complex world and universe around us.

We are thankful to all the contributors of their ideas and works. There are well known artists, up-and coming artists, scientists showing their work in an artistic way and even you as the public will be part of the exhibit in your ArtScience creations.

Come and explore and contribute to the creations with an open mind and heart in Atelier34Zero’s >2000m2 indoor and outdoor exhibition space in the heart of Jette.


List of Contributors coming soon!


The exhibition is Open to public, see Atelier34zero web site for details of opening times, entrance fees and access needs

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